Teaching materials and methodology.
Teaching is delivered through lectures and small group tutorials. A thorough induction is given to all incoming students on how to prepare for legal students on how to prepare for legal study and the law school experience. Within each teaching format, you are encouraged to master basic legal concepts, written and oral presentation skills, but also to think critical about the role of law in society. Assessment is through both exams and core modules, you may choose from a range of options, many of which are taught through seminars.
A number of options will include sessions with outside speakers with practical experience of the subject matter. Formal legal education is complemented by participation in moot courts (mock court cases), both internal and external. We are registered with international bodies conducting moot courts e.g. Henry Dunant international moot court award on humanitarian law. Workshops on presentation skills, client interviewing and current trends in business law are also offered.
Students can also be involved in a variety of pro bono projects, some of which can be used as a final year option. These include: training as an adviser or community mediator; working in law clinics; Red Cross; humanitarian law venture and the death penalty project. Students will get finance if need be to be engaged in these activities.